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Overriding Fear
of Change

Are you ready for change? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “No”.

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Finding Your Path

Surrounded by political chaos and a crippling healthcare crisis, it is challenging to find

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Flying Free aka
Finding Freedom

Around this holiday time I often ask myself what it means to be free. Not only as an .

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Giving Thanks
Prana Style

Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, but it was far from typical. This year .

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Taming Your Brain to
Find Your Bliss

It was a bright sunny mid-April morning, and I awoke to the sound of the acorns tripping along

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NYC’s Rebirth Post

I lived this way on the Upper West Side for 20 years watching its gentrification

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Transitioning: One Mother’s
Valentine’s Day Reflection

We were on a road trip off the California coast, heading up from Los Angeles through Big Sur

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